
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Journal Papers

  1. WF Ou, LM Po, XF Huang, WY Yu, YZ Zhao, “GSCL: Generative Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Vein-Based Biometric Verification,” IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, 6 (2), 230-244, 2024.
  2. JJ Xiong, LM Po, WY Yu, C Zhou, PF Xian, WF Ou, “CSRNet: Cascaded Selective Resolution Network for real-time semantic segmentation,” Expert Systems with Applications, 211, 118537, 2023.
  3. WF Ou, LM Po, C Zhou, PF Xian, JJ Xiong, “GAN-based Inter-class Sample Generation for Contrastive Learning of Vein Image Representations,” IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, 4 (2), 249-262, 2022.
  4. YZ Zhao, LM Po, WY Yu, YAU Rehman, MY Liu, YJ Zhang, WF Ou, “Vcgan: Video colorization with hybrid generative adversarial network,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 25, 3017-3032, 2022.
  5. PF Xian, LM Po, JJ Xiong, C Zhou, YZ Zhao, WY Yu, WF Ou, YJ Zhang, XR Zhang, ”Pixel Voting Decoder: A novel decoder that regresses pixel relationships for segmentation,” Expert Systems with Applications, 193, 116438, 2022.
  6. YZ Zhao, LM Po, XH Wang, Q Yan, W Shen, YJ Zhang, W Liu, CK Wong, CS Pang, WF Ou, WY Yu, BH Liu, “ChildPredictor: A child face prediction framework with disentangled learning,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 25, 3737-3752, 2022.
  7. WF Ou, LM Po, C Zhou, YAU Rehman, PF Xian, YJ Zhang, “Fusion Loss and Inter-class Data Augmentation for Deep Finger Vein Feature Learning,” Expert Systems with Applications, 171, 114584, 2021.
  8. C Zhou, LM Po, WF Ou, PF Xian, KW Cheung, “Deep triplet residual quantization,” Expert Systems with Applications, 184, 115467, 2021.
  9. C Zhou, LM Po, WF Ou, “Angular deep supervised vector quantization for image retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 33 (4), 1638-1649, 2020.
  10. WF Ou, LM Po, C Zhou, YJ Zhang, LT Feng, YAU Rehman, YZ Zhao, “LinCos-softmax: Learning angle-discriminative face representations with linearity-enhanced cosine logits,” IEEE Access, 8, 109758-109769, 2020.
  11. YJ Zhang, LM Po, MY Liu, YAU Rehman, WF Ou, YZ Zhao, “Data-level information enhancement: Motion-patch-based Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks for human activity recognition in videos,” Expert Systems with Applications, 147, 113203, 2020.
  12. YAU Rehman, LM Po, MY Liu, ZJ Zou, WF Ou, YZ Zhao, “Face liveness detection using convolutional-features fusion of real and deep network generated face images,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 59, 574-582, 2019.
  13. WF Ou, CL Yang, C Dai, “A two-stage multi-hypothesis reconstruction and two implementation schemes for compressed video sensing,” Journal of Electronics & Information Technology (电子与信息学报), 39 (7), 1688-1696, 2017.
  14. CL Yang, WF Ou, “Multi-reference frames-based optimal multi-hypothesis prediction in compressed video sensing,” Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science Edition) (华南理工大学学报), 44 (1), 1-8, 2016.

Conference Papers

  1. WF Ou, LM Po, XF Huang, “Joint Learning of Identity and Vein Features for Enhanced Representations in Vascular Biometrics,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024.
  2. XF Huang, LM Po, WF Ou, “Motion Transfer-Driven Intra-Class Data Augmentation for Finger Vein Recognition,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024.
  3. YJ Zhang, LM Po, XY Xu, MY Liu, YX Wang, WF Ou, YZ Zhao, WY Yu, “Contrastive spatio-temporal pretext learning for self-supervised video representation,” Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36 (3), 3380-3389, 2022.
  4. YAU Rehman, LM Po, MY Liu, ZJ Zou, WF Ou, “Perturbing convolutional feature maps with histogram of oriented gradients for face liveness detection”, International Joint Conference: 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2019) and 10th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education (ICEUTE 2019) Seville, Spain, May 13th-15th, 2020.
  5. YZ Zhao, LM Po, TT Zhang, ZB Liao, X Shi, YJ Zhang, WF Ou, PF Xian, JJ Xiong, C Zhou, WY Yu, “Saliency map-aided generative adversarial network for raw to rgb mapping,” 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW), 2019.
  6. WF Ou, CL Yang, WH Li, LH Ma, “A two-stage multi-hypothesis reconstruction scheme in compressed video sensing,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2494-2498, 2016.
